Monday, August 9, 2010


I've noted a number of posts on facebook pertaining to legalizing marijuana. Rather than lighting up a firestorm by "commenting" my thoughts on facebook I'm opting for an entry here.
I agree with many advocates that the "criminalization" of being caught with pot is excessively harsh. Our current laws place a huge burden on local law enforcement, the judicial system, and greatly place a huge burden on the prison/jail system. REFORM of the penalties would greatly lesson these burdens which we, the tax payers are paying for. Being an advocate for lessening the penalties is quite different than legalizing the use of marijuana.

Surely society has MORE THAN adequate ways and means available to us for altering ones reality, and more than enough serious life threatening problems in this country which can result from such options....Talk to anyone associated/working in drug rehab programs all over this country. Talk to the parents of drug addicted children, talk to anyone involved with AA...look at the statistics for the fraud and abuse of prescription drugs. I have many friends who use and don't abuse pot, who use and don't abuse alcohol, and use but don't abuse prescription drugs....and an equal number who do, the result of which have been early deaths, finances and families in ruin, lives in ruin. I don't think we need to legalize yet another means of adding to those risks inherent in reality/mind altering substances. The message legalization gives to kids is not a message I personally can support, it's hard enough for parents today raising children....LEGAL pot will be just one more difficulty parents will be confronting if it becomes legal. Amsterdam today is far from the hip place it was, it's a sewer...the costs of which the country is grappling with. I don't see anything positive that can result from legalizing it, not tax revenue, not anything worth opening that door. Reform the penalties....I'll support that!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gay Marriage..

Being a moderate conservative who lists left on select issues, todays news has compelled me to "officially" declare my view on Gay Marriage. California won a victory today for the constitution..."EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL". For a while I was a tad torn...a strong advocate for "Domestic Unions" with all the rights and privledges of "married", but not quite sure about embracing gay "marriage" persay. I credit my change of thought on this to Glenn Beck (gads...GLEN BECK??!!) I'm not sure where the man stands on this particular issue, but I am sure where he stands on "EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL", and 'CIVIL RIGHTS". Gay marriage is about civil rights, the constitution....I applaud the decision today in California, and hope when it hits the supreme court, they will also rule in favor of equal rights and equal justice for all. (the downside...and there is, that the vote of the populace didn't matter, AND THAT'S DISTURBING)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What's she about?

I'm a curiously idealistic - pragmatic mix of urban tastes with a down to earth approuch to most things, I do afterall work in clay...mud, it doesn't get more down to earth than that!
I've avoided "political" comment on facebook, but for rare occassion when my fingers hit the keyboard in an uncontrolled reply that typically ignites a firestorm among my more liberal friends.
SO...What's she really about? What does she really think this artist, this self relient, independant solo act?
My grandparents arrived on Ellis Island with nothing but an eagerness to learn the language, with a burning desire to embrace the opportunites of freedom, capitalism.. ready to work hard..a dream to become Americans to raise their family in the greatest of all lands to better themselves and make better yet the lives of their decentants.
America offers to anyone willing and wanting such to do just that, and they did. They suffered thru the bigotry of "Italians with broken English", Italians who had very limited doors that would open, and succeeded by virtue of the faith in what this country stands for...equal opportunity for all. My grandfather bought a barbershop across from the grand old historic Court house downtown, an elegant establishment with immaculate chairs and mirrors, employees mandated to wear starched shirts and ties. It was a place the local judges, lawyers, city officials came, which put Grandpa on the map and into circles that over the years served him quite well. It is afterall " who l you know" and he knew everyone who was everyone. While my grandmothers sisters all had go to work in factories during the depression, My Grandma Jean didn't, instead attended the performances at the Eastman Theater, operas and symphonies. Her childred dressed in the grandest most fashionable attire, and grandpa worked tirelessly till the day he died, proudly living the American dream.
Arizona is suffering the brunt of illegal immigration, the costs to the State are staggering in healh care, housing, schooling, bankrupting both Arizona and California, 12 million illegal persons. Crime, gang wars, drugs, killings, the kidnapping capital making security and safety for the legal residents an ongoing ever increasing nightmare. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has not adequatly secured the boarders, has not done what the government is mandated to do....provide security and deal with the massive problem of the South West boarder communities and cities. I BELIEVE a path to citizenship for those illegals here, working ,living...raising their families here MUST have the ways and means to expidite legal citizenship, and BE MANDATED to become LEGAL. Illegals engaged in crime, gangs, drugs, human trafficing MUST be deported, and above all else...the boarders MUST be CLOSED NOW till a path to legal citizenship is enacted. Common sense, we have laws, we ignore them....WHY?? Latios can be a major voting block in this country plain and simple. Politicans playing politics is the reason we have this costly explosivly devisive problem....They who endear themselves thru turning a blind eye, not enforcing the laws pertaining to illegal aliens, those establishing sancuary cities and/or pushing a blanket amnesty for breaking the immigration laws will gain the Latio vote. This is about Political power, not homeland security, not the safety of the legal citizens, not anything but finding the political ways and means to USE immigration and race as a means to gain millions in votes for the polical party seeking that latio vote... I sickens me, when the GOP came up with a plan, it was blocked....the opposing party is fighting for the VOTES.