Monday, April 5, 2010


A new title, A new role...."Grandma", OH MY I've made it to the threshold of one of lifes BIGGY passages (wasn't sure I'd get here actually). Margaux and Danny knocked me practically off of my feet Feb. 27th with the amazing news. I really wasn't quite right for hours upon hours after arriving home, ....emotions all over the map!! Those who know me can attest I'm a rather impassioned person, I couldn't sleep all that night trying to get a handle on everything I was feeling and thinking...SO much JOY for Margaux and Danny, saddness my mother isn't around to share in it, how thrilled the rest of the family will be, the many changes a new baby in our lives will mean to everyone....all the wonderful things I'd be wanting to do with my grandchild, lots of things I wasn't able to do as a single Mom with my own children, I'd have a second chance to do with my grandchild! Then the worry...Margaux being such a tiny little thing, eating well, surviving morning sickness....the flood of concern for all that can go wrong in a pregnancy, OH MY WHAT A NIGHT...Thrilled, frightened, worried, elated, emotionally everywhere! I finally settled down when it hit me........"immortality", a feeling of great peace and comfort.... Margaux and Danny will live on thru this child, just as I will live on thru this child, a DNA thing........I went to sleep finally with a big smile on my face, thinking many generations from now, when I'm long long long gone, there will be a person (who just like me), can't figure out why they love sculpting in clay, why in the world they're so good at it!! LOL, indeed, the beat goes on!!