Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 09

What happened to global warming??... the furnace has been running for a week, highly unusual for this time of what typically is "Indian summer" in Columbus. Daunting to realise winter will be arriving soon. (feels like any day now) Envious of those fortunate enough to winter in warm sunny locations....Who ever said "money doesn't buy happieness?"...it may not, but surely makes unhappieness more tolerable! Would love to be packing my bags right now with shorts and bathing suits, my tolerance for winter has been erroding fast for the last 3-4 yrs. OK...it is what it is, facing another winter, contemplating how to survive it with a smile.....a job. A parttime job in a busy place, where there's people....horrible being home in the house solo all winter, grazing on comfort food counting the days till spring to finally emerge from reclusion. Creativity for some reason becomes as frozen as the landscape, I don't create much in the winter. Time today to dispose of the last remnants of summer, the dead baskets of impatiens and begonias, dead tomato plants, turn the garden...yank the table umbrellas....find the leaf blower.... Lemonade from lemons, next week , I'll look for a nice little no brainer parttime job close to home, just the thing to help the winter fly bye....with a little luck, something fun.....at an age and stage of life when FUN has to be a part of most every endeavor.