Friday, March 27, 2009

You bet we do...

How could I do it??...Did I really say that??... even tho I know it was the right thing to say and do?, (not said or done in a rash/reactive mode, thoughtful...and fully in control)...why then am I second guessing? Anything to do with owning our power, taking care of ourselves can trigger feelings of guilt and fear. We don't have to allow these feelings to control us, they're a backlash, the second guessing, these feelings, they're afterburn...let them burn out. The "afterburn" has controlled us all our life...guilt and fear to dare speak out in behalf of ourselves. Many of us have grown up with shame based messeges that it wasn't OK to take care of ourselves, be honest, be direct and own ones power with people and situations that were unfair, unjust or abusive. Many of us grew up with messeges that it wasn't Ok to be who were and to stand up to resolve problems in relationships, or at work. Many of us grew up with the messege that what we want and need isn't OK. LET THE AFTERBURN of standing tall, speaking up, being direct BURN OFF...don't let afterburn convince you that you were wrong and don't have the right to take care of yourselves, set boundries, and address directly when wrongfully, unfairly mistreated. Do we really have the right to care of ourselves? Do we really have the right to express oneself in ones behalf? Do we really have the right to set boundries? Do we really have the right to be direct and say what we need to say? YOU BET WE DO.....better late than never, YOU BET WE DO! March 27, 2009 a Trimuph day!